Si no tiene el rol, no le permite agregar el caso, mostrando mensajes que llene ciertos campos antes.
Esto va a la tabla 'incident' y se ejecuta 'onSubmit'
function onSubmit() {
var name = g_user.userName;
if (g_form.getValue('impact') == 1 && g_form.getValue('urgency') == 1 && !g_user.hasRoleExactly('major_inc_mgr')) {
var ans = confirm("The Customer: is notified of all Priority-1 incidents. Confirm basic information is included before submitting this P1 incident.\n\nSelect Ok to submit, or cancel to return to the record. " + name);
if (!ans) {
g_form.addInfoMessage("incident is not submitted");
g_form.addInfoMessage("If base information is unavailable, use the 'aditional coments' fiel to document why it is missing.");
g_form.showFieldMsg('category', "Major Incident base field");
g_form.showFieldMsg('cmdb_ci', "Major incident base field");
g_form.showFieldMsg('assingment_group', "Major incident base field");
g_form.showFieldMsg('short_description', "Major incident base field");
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