
jueves, 23 de diciembre de 2010

Instalar OCS Inevntory Agent (agente de OCS Inventory) en LINUX

Bueno amigo como siempre hay pasos para todo, aca les dejo uno que se me ocurrio uno de estos dias XD.

Lo pirmero que les comento es que no intenten instalar esto en ESX de Vmware, ya que a falta de una libreria Perl me corrigen si esta malo, no corre la instalacion, ahora si son avanzados podrian intentar hacerlo y me cuentan como les va, por que seria interesante.

Sobre los pasos que siguenlo unico que deben hacer es repetir lo que sigue y ya va a andar;

Installing the Agent/Client

Perl/PHP Dependencies

Next, install some of the Perl and PHP packages required to run the agent. The agent installer actually has everything needed, but I prefer to install them across RPM. You can choose to do as you wish.

# yum install perl-XML-Simple perl-Compress-Zlib perl-Net-IP perl-Net-SSLeay

The perl-LWP and perl-Digest-MD5 packages are not available via RPM in the main archives of CentOS, but ARE in the RPMforge archive.

As with the CPAN discussion above, if you choose to convert your box from being a CentOS box into something you alone support, you can either use the ones in the agent installer, or you can install these via CPAN. Again, its your choice and preference. To install via CPAN, run the following command.

# perl -MCPAN -e shell
cpan> install LWP Digest::MD5

Installing the Agent

After you download the agent package, go ahead and untar the files and then move into the directory to run the setup installer script.

# tar -xzvf OCSNG_LINUX_AGENT_1.01_with_require.tar.gz
# sh setup.sh

Type in the name or IP address of the server that is running the OCS communication server. Port 80 is the default port, so you can just hit enter at this question, unless you setup your Apache instance to run on a different port.

| Checking for OCS Inventory NG Communication Server... |

Which host is running OCS Inventory NG Communication Server [] ? your_server
On which port is running OCS Inventory NG Communication Server [80] ?

Aca les preguntara por el puerto la ip y el protocolo que debiera ser htpp mas la ip del servidor, el puerto 80 queda por omision

All the defaults are fine for the rest of the questions. The installer will go through and check all of your Perl and PHP packages, and then setup a cron.d entry for running the scripts necessary to contact the communication server.

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